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Information About Family Farm Hunter Pty Ltd

Table of Contents

Our Mission

The Hunter Family Farm is a community of people acting with integrity to build and maintain a self-sustaining and prosperous food-producing, recreational and educational hub that demonstrates our respect for each other and the land, our values and our commitment to future generations. 

Our Values

Ours is a community of independent thinkers who work together to pursue our goals of self-sufficiency, healthy food, mutual support, kindness and prosperity.

We respect each other, the land on which we depend and the natural laws that determine our health and welfare. 

We are honest with each other, transparent in our dealings and have the courage to do and be what we genuinely believe is right, respectful and ethical. 

We aim to have land producing abundant, healthy food, a vital community and educational activities that nourish the body and spirit and provide enduring benefits for future generations while being delivered in a financially sustainable manner.

We manage the property and all related activities in order to sustain the co-owners as fully as possible aligned with their vision and desired outcomes.

Co Owner Survey Results July 2023

Weekly Communication Examples

Weekly communication examples from 23rd June and 3rd November 2023. 

231103_Weekly Comms

230629_Weekly Comms


Briefing note on Salea to be inserted


Below are key documents relating to the purchase of Salea and the water licence as well as the farming plan from RCS.

20230921 Family Farms Hunter Valley Property Report

Vendor signed contract 2441 Salisbury Road Salisbury

Water license


Briefing note on Hardview to be inserted


Below are key documents relating to the purchase of Hardview and the farming plan from RCS.

Contract of sale

20231110 FFH Hardview Propterty Evaluation and Development Plan

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